About learners.love

I developed learners.love in October 2020, when it became clear that SARS-CoV-2 pandemic would continue for a while and we had to proceed with the delivery of courses online. The name, using “learners” instead of “students” comes from Pearson’s Higher Nationals specifications. It does have a philosophical aspect as well, since the activity is the essence, not the role of being a student – to learning. Students continue to learn and build their knowing, long after the university years as well, using what they have learned in those years as a core.

The first objective of learners.love was to provide recorded sessions to learners for a week, to give an additional (asynchronous) learning opportunity to those who could not attend real time (synchronous) meetings.*

When the pandemic sanctions were lifted, I further designed the website to enhance active learning. It also provides information about my understanding of knowledge generation, knowledge sharing and service to the society.

Why develop a private website to stream videos recorded in the synchronous sessions?

Privacy laws are in progress. For legal precautions, quite many organizations enforce individuals, e.g., students, to provide mandatory consent. In sharing private-to-the-audience recordings on one of the conglomerate platforms, managed by information technologies (IT) departments, open to artificial intelligence (AI), is debatable in terms of privacy.

The original Internet, before the ubiquitous monetization of non-suspecting individuals’ online behaviors as consumers, had a more positive, almost scientific, view of human societies. Learners.love is inspired by that reading of the digital technologies.

* The screenshot below is from a company that offers learning management system. It is clearly ambiguous.