“The instructor is well prepared for the classes
The instructor presents course content, structure and methods of the course in an organized and understandable manner
The instructor responds effectively to student questions and comments in class
The instructor encourages questions and class discussions
The instructor gives clear examples to explain concepts
The instructor uses various active learning methods (e.g., peer teaching, case study, pair/ group work) to engage students in the course
The course resources are helpful (e.g., textbook, articles, presentations, visuals, texts, etc.)
The instructor announces the grades of the exams, assignments, studio works and projects in a timely manner.
The instructor provides clear and constructive feedback to my exams/ papers/ projects/ in-class performance
The instructor provides a positive classroom environment for students to express their ideas
The instructor is open to communication with students outside of the classroom (e.g., during office hours, by appointment, email or moodle forums)
The exams, assignments or student works are relevant to the topics covered in the class or studio
Technology (e.g., zoom, interactive digital boards, online collaboration tools, online polls) is effectively used in the course to enhance student learning
What other suggestions or comments would you like to provide for this course (e.g., course materials, teaching methods, course content, exams, assignments, use of technology, grading and feedback)?”